When do we fall ill?

The Banerji protocols are based on a pathology, that links perfectly to the disease classification of Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of classical homeopathy. The main thought is that each person has a self-healing capacity. When a pathogen intrudes, the healthy body responds by producing antibodies. As long as our self-healing ability functions well, we don´t get sick, or only for a short period of time. The antibodies need some time to cure us again. We don´t fall really ill, until our self-healing ability fails. When our defence- our immune system is disrupted.


A disease classification means nothing more, than making a distinction between different kinds of diseases in classic homeopathy.

  • incidents – for example accidents;
  • infectious diseases – for example STD’s;
  • epidemic diseases – for example flu;
  • morbid hereditary tendency – for example rheumatism in the family
  • etc…


Each kind of disease is based on an underlying predisposition, a susceptibility or sensitivity. Therefore, each kind demands a different approach. The sensibility is the underlying weakness, that easily disrupts the life-balance.

‘Between the ears’

A disrupted life-balance, caused by a failing immune system, results in symptoms that are difficult to explain at first. When symptoms cannot be diagnosed, regular medicine often concludes that it must be in a person’s head, imagination. 65% Of all the people feeling ill, have symptoms that do not have a physical cause.

Continuing disruption

When the life balance is not being restored, when the symptoms are being suppressed instead, physical illnesses will develop after a period of time: a result of the continuous disruption of the biochemistry and physiology of the body. Those who suffer from a chronic disease, notice something that is in reality the end of a drama that has been enacting in the body for a long time already.

Searching for the beginning

Homeopathy is not exclusively focused on the end of the drama, but tries to focus on the beginning of the disruption. The disease classification of Samuel Hahnemann plays an important role in this. Where are the susceptibility en sensitivity for him or her? Where is the biggest change of disruption of the balance?


When a patient discovers the disruption in an early stage, we will treat him or her with dynamic, curative remedies. They stimulate the self-healing ability to respond to the imbalance. The patient in fact, restores through his own self-healing capacity. When the disruption of the balance has resulted in a chronic disease, the symptoms can be well treated with homeopathic remedies too. The successful treatment of tumours in India is a wonderful example of that. Lees meer over de Ziekteclassificatie op klassiekehomeopathie.nl »